Happy Wednesday!
It has been a couple of weeks since our last blog post and today we’re getting back on that horse. From time to time we’ve skipped posting to address other needs but we always want to post, it just doesn’t happen sometimes. Recently we have been working on building our Instagram numbers, in both follows and posts.
Instagram what Instagram?
Perhaps you weren’t aware OR perhaps you found Poofff because of Instagram. Either way, we want to encourage you to visit our Instagram page and take a look around. You are more than welcome to follow us as we fervently “follow back”. We don’t see the need for all the exclusivity so we’re always happy to see what you have to post as well.
LindaLee has been doing her thing working at a super fast pace to get that Instagram loaded with fresh new Skells imagery. There are a couple of videos and Boomerang posts as well. Stop in and say hi, she would love to hear from you.
Click the Instagram icon below and it will take you right to our Skells feed…

… there is a lot of fun content that we hope you’ll enjoy.
What else do you have going on?
Well, we’ve got the (seemingly) requisite Facebook page and a Twitter account but we have yet to really make a concerted effort to build those. We have, however, started to create and add content to our YouTube channel. We use YouTube as a home for the majority of our video content. Anything you can find on our YouTube will be shown here at Poofff. That doesn’t mean we don’t want you viewing our videos on YouTube, in fact, we would really appreciate it if you would subscribe to our YT channel.
Our YouTube Channel head on over and have a look, subscribe, watch videos! WE TOTALLY APPRECIATE IT!
That’s all for this week, thanks for reading,
Team Poofff